SAC (Services Accounting Code) code 998397 is classified under group 99839 (Other professional, technical and business services.) of GST services classification. Group 99839 is classified under heading 9983 (Other professional, technical and business services). You can check GST tax rate on 9983, Other professional, technical and business services.
Digits | Details |
9983 | First 4 digits, (9983) represents heading under which this SAC falls. This heading is for Other professional, technical and business services. |
99839 5 digit SAC code for Other professional, technical and business services. | First 5 digits, (99839) represents group number. This group is for Other professional, technical and business services.. |
998397 6 digit SAC code for Sponsorship Services & Brand Promotion Services | 6 digit SAC code, (998397) represents service. This code is for Sponsorship Services & Brand Promotion Services. |
We have filtered GST applicable on Other professional, technical and business services. including GST on Sponsorship Services & Brand Promotion Services, GST on Other professional, technical and business services. You can GST on group Other professional, technical and business services. by visiting this link.