List of SAC codes with GST tax rate
- 9954
- Construction services
- 99541 - Construction services of buildings
- 99542 - General construction services of civil engineering works
- 99543 - Site preparation services
- 99544 - Assembly and erection of prefabricated constructions
- 99545 - Special trade construction services
- 99546 - Installation services
- 99547 - Building completion and finishing services
- 9961
- Services in wholesale trade
- 99611 - Services in wholesale trade
- 9962
- Services in retail trade
- 99621 - Services in retail trade
- 9963
- Accommodation, Food and beverage services
- 99631 - Accommodation services
- 99632 - Other accommodation services
- 99633 - Food, edible preparations, alchoholic & non-alchocholic beverages serving services
- 9964
- Passenger transport services
- 99641 - Local transport and sightseeing transportation services of passengers
- 99642 - Long-distance transport services of passengers
- 9967
- Supporting services in transport
- 99676 - Supporting services for air or space transport
- 9964
- Passenger transport services
- 99642 - Long-distance transport services of passengers
- 9965
- Goods Transport Services
- 99651 - Land transport services of Goods
- 99652 - Water transport services of goods
- 99653 - Air and space transport services of goods
- 9966
- Rental services of transport vehicles with or without operators
- 99660 - Rental services of transport vehicles with or without operators
- 9967
- Supporting services in transport
- 99671 - Cargo handling services
- 99672 - Storage and warehousing services
- 99673 - Supporting services for railway transport
- 99674 - Supporting services for road transport
- 99675 - Supporting services for water transport (coastal, transoceanic and inland waterways)
- 99676 - Supporting services for air or space transport
- 99679 - Other supporting transport services
- 9968
- Postal and courier services
- 99681 - Postal and courier services
- 9969
- Electricity, gas, water and other distribution services
- 99691 - Electricity and gas distribution services
- 99692 - Water distribution and other services
- 9971
- Financial and related services
- 99711 - Financial services (except investment banking, insurance services and pension services)
- 99712 - Investment banking services
- 99713 - Insurance and pension services (excluding reinsurance services)
- 99714 - Reinsurance services
- 99715 - Services auxiliary to financial services (other than to insurance and pensions)
- 99716 - Services auxillary to insurance and pensions
- 99717 - Services of holding financial assets
- 9972
- Real estate services
- 99721 - Real estate services involving owned or leased property
- 99722 - Real estate services on a fee/commission basis or contract basis
- 9973
- Leasing or rental services with or without operator
- 99731 - Leasing or rental services concerning machinery and equipment with or without operator
- 99732 - Leasing or rental services concerning other goods
- 99733 - Licensing services for the right to use intellectual property and similar products
- 9983
- Other professional, technical and business services
- 99837 - Market research and public opinion polling services
- 9973
- Leasing or rental services with or without operator
- 99733 - Licensing services for the right to use intellectual property and similar products
- 9981
- Research and development services
- 99811 - Research and experimental development services in natural sciences and engineering.
- 99812 - Research and experimental development services in social sciences and humanities.
- 99813 - Interdisciplinary research services.
- 99814 - Research and development originals
- 9982
- Legal and accounting services
- 99821 - Legal services
- 99822 - Accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services
- 99823 - Tax consultancy and preparation services
- 99824 - Insolvency and receivership services
- 9983
- Other professional, technical and business services
- 99831 - Management consulting and management services; information technology services.
- 99832 - Architectural services, urban and land planning and landscape architectural services
- 99833 - Engineering services
- 99834 - Scientific and other technical services
- 99835 - Veterinary services
- 99836 - Advertising services and provision of advertising space or time.
- 99837 - Market research and public opinion polling services
- 99838 - Photography & Videography and their processing services
- 99839 - Other professional, technical and business services.
- 9984
- Telecommunications, broadcasting and information supply services
- 99841 - Telephony and other telecommunications services
- 99842 - Internet telecommunications services
- 99843 - On-line content services
- 99844 - News agency services
- 99845 - Library and archive services
- 99846 - Broadcasting, programming and programme distribution services
- 9985
- Support services
- 99859 - Other support services
- 9984
- Telecommunications, broadcasting and information supply services
- 99846 - Broadcasting, programming and programme distribution services
- 9985
- Support services
- 99851 - Employment services including personnel search/referral service & labour supply service
- 99852 - Investigation and security services
- 99853 - Cleaning services
- 99854 - Packaging services
- 99855 - Travel arrangement, tour operator and related services
- 99859 - Other support services
- 9986
- Support services to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining and utilities.
- 99861 - Support services to agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing
- 99862 - Support services to mining
- 99863 - Support services to electricity, gas and water distribution
- 9987
- Maintenance, repair and installation (except construction) services
- 99871 - Maintenance and repair services of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment
- 99872 - Repair services of other goods
- 99873 - Installation services (other than construction)
- 9988
- Manufacturing services on physical inputs (goods) owned by others
- 99881 - Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing services
- 99882 - Textile, wearing apparel and leather manufacturing services
- 99883 - Wood and paper manufacturing services
- 99884 - Petroleum, chemical and pharmaceutical product manufacturing services
- 99885 - Rubber, plastic and other non-metallic mineral product manufacturing service
- 99886 - Basic metal manufacturing services
- 99887 - Fabricated metal product, machinery and equipment manufacturing services
- 99888 - Transport equipment manufacturing services
- 99889 - Other manufacturing services
- 9989
- Other manufacturing services; publishing, printing and reproduction services; materials recovery services
- 99891 - Publishing, printing and reproduction services
- 99892 - Moulding, pressing, stamping, extruding and similar plastic manufacturing services
- 99893 - Casting, forging, stamping and similar metal manufacturing services
- 99894 - Materials recovery (recycling) services, on a fee or contract basis
- 9991
- Public administration and other services provided to the community as a whole; compulsory social security services
- 99911 - Administrative services of the government
- 99912 - Public administrative services provided to the community as a whole
- 99913 - Administrative services related to compulsory social security schemes.
- 9992
- Education services
- 99921 - Pre-primary education services
- 99922 - Primary education services
- 99923 - Secondary Education Services
- 99924 - Higher education services
- 99925 - Specialised education services
- 99929 - Other education & training services and educational support services
- 9993
- Human health and social care services
- 99931 - Human health services
- 99932 - Residential care services for the elderly and disabled
- 99933 - Other social services with accommodation
- 99934 - Social services without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
- 99935 - Other social services without accommodation
- 9994
- Sewage and waste collection, treatment and disposal and other environmental protection services
- 99941 - Sewerage, sewage treatment and septic tank cleaning services
- 99942 - Waste collection services
- 99943 - Waste treatment and disposal services
- 99944 - Remediation services
- 99945 - Sanitation and similar services
- 99949 - Others
- 9995
- Services of membership organizations
- 99951 - Services furnished by business, employers and professional organizations Services
- 99952 - Services furnished by trade unions
- 99959 - Services furnished by other membership organizations
- 9996
- Recreational, cultural and sporting services
- 99961 - Audiovisual and related services
- 99962 - Performing arts and other live entertainment event presentation and promotion services
- 99963 - Services of performing and other artists
- 99964 - Museum and preservation services
- 99965 - Sports and recreational sports services
- 99966 - Services of athletes and related support services
- 99969 - Other amusement and recreational services
- 9997
- Other services
- 99971 - Washing, cleaning and dyeing services
- 99972 - Beauty and physical well-being services
- 99973 - Funeral, cremation and undertaking services
- 99979 - Other miscellaneous services
- 9998
- Domestic services
- 99980 - Domestic services
- 9999
- Services provided by extraterritorial organizations and bodies.
- 99990 - Services provided by extraterritorial organizations and bodies.