SAC 995421 General construction services of highways, streets, roads, railways and airfield runways, bridges and tunnels

SAC (Services Accounting Code) code 995421 is classified under group 99542 (General construction services of civil engineering works) of GST services classification. Group 99542 is classified under heading 9954 (Construction services). You can check GST tax rate on 9954, Construction services.

Decoding SAC 995421

Digits Details

First 4 digits, (9954) represents heading under which this SAC falls.

This heading is for Construction services.


5 digit SAC code for General construction services of civil engineering works

First 5 digits, (99542) represents group number.

This group is for General construction services of civil engineering works.


6 digit SAC code for General construction services of highways, streets, roads, railways and airfield runways, bridges and tunnels

6 digit SAC code, (995421) represents service.

This code is for General construction services of highways, streets, roads, railways and airfield runways, bridges and tunnels.

GST on General construction services of highways, streets, roads, railways and airfield runways, bridges and tunnels

We have filtered GST applicable on General construction services of civil engineering works including GST on General construction services of highways, streets, roads, railways and airfield runways, bridges and tunnels, GST on Construction services. You can GST on group General construction services of civil engineering works by visiting this link.