HS 74040022 Copper and articles thereof (COPPER WASTE AND SCRAP, Of copper alloys, Brass scrap, namely the following: Refinery brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Drink’; Composition of Red brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Ebony’; Red brass composition turnings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Enerv’; Genuine babbit-lined brass bushings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Elder’; Machinery or hard brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Engel’; Machinery or hand brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Erin’; Cocks and faucets scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Grape’; Yellow brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Honey’; Yellow brass castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Ivory’; New brass clippings covered by ISRI code word ‘Label’; Yellow brass primer covered by ISRI code word ‘Lark’; Brass pipe covered by ISRI code word ‘Melon’; Yellow brass rod turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Night’; New yellow brass rod ends covered by ISRI code word ‘Noble’; Yellow brass turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Nomad’; Mixed unsweated auto radiators covered by ISRI )

HS code is classified under chapter 74 (Copper and articles thereof) of ITC (Indian Tariff Code). Chapter 74 is classified under Section 15 (BASE METAL & ARTICLES OF BASE METAL). You can check GST tax rate on 740400.

Decoding HSN 74040022

Digits Details

First 2 digits, (74) represents chapter number.

This chapter is for Copper and articles thereof.



Next 2 digits, (04) represents heading number.

This heading is for COPPER WASTE AND SCRAP.


6 digit HSN code for Of copper alloys

Next 2 digits, (00) represents item or product.

This code is for Of copper alloys.


8 digit HSN code for Brass scrap, namely the following: Refinery brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Drink’; Composition of Red brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Ebony’; Red brass composition turnings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Enerv’; Genuine babbit-lined brass bushings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Elder’; Machinery or hard brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Engel’; Machinery or hand brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Erin’; Cocks and faucets scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Grape’; Yellow brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Honey’; Yellow brass castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Ivory’; New brass clippings covered by ISRI code word ‘Label’; Yellow brass primer covered by ISRI code word ‘Lark’; Brass pipe covered by ISRI code word ‘Melon’; Yellow brass rod turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Night’; New yellow brass rod ends covered by ISRI code word ‘Noble’; Yellow brass turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Nomad’; Mixed unsweated auto radiators covered by ISRI

Last 2 digits, (22) represents specific item or product at micro level.

This code is for Brass scrap, namely the following: Refinery brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Drink’; Composition of Red brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Ebony’; Red brass composition turnings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Enerv’; Genuine babbit-lined brass bushings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Elder’; Machinery or hard brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Engel’; Machinery or hand brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Erin’; Cocks and faucets scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Grape’; Yellow brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Honey’; Yellow brass castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Ivory’; New brass clippings covered by ISRI code word ‘Label’; Yellow brass primer covered by ISRI code word ‘Lark’; Brass pipe covered by ISRI code word ‘Melon’; Yellow brass rod turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Night’; New yellow brass rod ends covered by ISRI code word ‘Noble’; Yellow brass turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Nomad’; Mixed unsweated auto radiators covered by ISRI .


We have filtered GST applicable on Copper and articles thereof including GST on COPPER WASTE AND SCRAP, GST on Of copper alloys, GST on Brass scrap, namely the following: Refinery brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Drink’; Composition of Red brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Ebony’; Red brass composition turnings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Enerv’; Genuine babbit-lined brass bushings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Elder’; Machinery or hard brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Engel’; Machinery or hand brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Erin’; Cocks and faucets scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Grape’; Yellow brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Honey’; Yellow brass castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Ivory’; New brass clippings covered by ISRI code word ‘Label’; Yellow brass primer covered by ISRI code word ‘Lark’; Brass pipe covered by ISRI code word ‘Melon’; Yellow brass rod turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Night’; New yellow brass rod ends covered by ISRI code word ‘Noble’; Yellow brass turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Nomad’; Mixed unsweated auto radiators covered by ISRI . You can GST on chapter 74 by visiting this link.